"Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." ~ John 8:32

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Deception Destroys

Deception is an intriguing subject.  The very nature of deception prevents the deceived person from recognizing that he is a victim of deception. 

Deception is a liar. It causes one to believe that what is false is true.  Deception is Satan's chief weapon against humanity.  Deception is the counterfeit of Truth.

You will be free to the degree that you eliminate deception from your life.

How can you know if you are being deceived?  You can know that you are being deceived if what you believe is contrary to Holy Scripture.  God's Word, also known as the Bible, is absolute Truth.  It is the standard by which all philosophies, all ideologies, all belief systems, all scientific hypotheses, and all methodologies must be measured to determine if they are true or not.

It is a little know fact that Christopher Columbus learned that the earth is round by reading the Book of Isaiah, chapter 40, verse 22 where Scripture says that "God sits above the circle of the earth." God tells us in this verse that the earth is round.

You say you do not believe the Holy Scriptures?  Why not?  Has your way of living worked? Has it brought you permanent fulfillment, peace, and joy?  Be honest with yourself. 

I was once like you.  Lost and searching for meaning in life.  I found it in Jesus Christ. And so can you!

I encourage you to explore God's Word for yourself.  It is His manual for humanity. Just as you received a manual when you purchased your car or your washing machine, God has given us a manual to help us understand how we are made and how to live successfully in this world.

As always, if you have any questions, please write to me at maryann@maryanndiorio.com. Meanwhile, my prayer is that you will come to know how deeply Jesus Christ loves you!