"Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." ~ John 8:32

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Conquering Addiction

An addiction is a deceptive means of obtaining the love we needed but did not get in a healthful manner. Usually this love need was not met in our childhood. As a result, we learn to fill our need for love in ways that hurt us.

For example, a person addicted to food looks to food to fill his hunger for love.  A person addicted to sex looks to sex to fill his hunger for love. A person addicted to drugs looks to drugs to fill his hunger for love. And on and on the list goes.

God has created us with a legitimate hunger for love. What we fail to realize is that He alone can ultimately satisfy that hunger for love so that we are no longer hungry.  When we look to anything or anyone else to satisfy our love hunger more than we look to God to satisfy it, we end up feeling empty and hurting our hearts. We end up destroying our lives and our relationships.

If you are looking to a person, a practice, or a thing other than God to satisfy your need for love, stop now and turn around toward God. Ask Him to forgive you for looking elsewhere to satisfy the love hunger that only He can satisfy. Here is a simple prayer you can pray:

"Papa God, I come to You just as I am. Broken and empty inside. Despite all of my attempts to satisfy my need for hunger through (name your addiction), I now realize that I have been looking in the wrong places to fill that need. Only You can satisfy my hunger for love. I give you my broken, hurting heart. Take it and heal it with Your love. Jesus, come into my life. From now on, whenever I am tempted to look elsewhere to satisfy my love hunger, I will remember that addictions are empty promises, but You are my Well of Life. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen."