"Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." ~ John 8:32

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Living in the Supernatural

There is a place where you can live in peace.  That place is above your emotional pain and in the realm of the spirit where the Kingdom of God is.  But the only way to get there is through Jesus Christ.

There are two realms that control life: the natural realm and the supernatural realm. The natural realm is subject to the laws of the natural world; the supernatural realm is subject to the laws of the supernatural world. 

The supernatural world has both a good aspect and an evil aspect. The good aspect is the supernatural realm inhabited by God and His angels. The Bible calls this supernatural realm of God "the third heaven". The evil aspect is the supernatural realm inhabited by Satan and his demons. The Bible calls this supernatural realm of Satan "the second heaven".  The supernatural realm of God is far more powerful than the supernatural realm of Satan.

Man was created and designed to live in the supernatural world of God, but sin relegated man to the confinement of the natural world.  Jesus Christ came to set man free from the confinement of the natural world and to restore him to the supernatural world of the Kingdom of God.

When man enters the supernatural world without Christ, man will encounter the supernatural curses of Satan and his demons. This is the realm of the occult with all of its attendant dangers.

When man enters the supernatural world through Christ, man will encounter the supernatural blessings of God.

So how does this apply to your life and to your emotional pain?

If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you are still a prisoner of the natural world. In practical terms, this means that you are still in bondage to sin and its torment, including emotional torment. You may have tried to free yourself from emotional pain by entering the supernatural world of Satan and his demons. If so, you may have found a false and temporary relief, but you soon learned (or will learn) that Satan offers only trickery and bondage, never truth and freedom.

But if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you are no longer a prisoner of the natural world nor the supernatural world of Satan.  Instead, you are a resident of the supernatural kingdom of God and a child of God whose inheritance is healing in every aspect of your being.

You cannot free yourself from the natural world nor from Satan's supernatural world. You need a Savior to free you. Jesus Christ is that Savior.  Accept Him today into your life. Ask Him to be your Savior and Lord. Ask Him to free you from the pain of emotional and psychological torment.  Then expect Him to do so.